Editor’s Note: Sofia Lai Velasquez Shum’s story is one of curiosity, passion, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Born in Costa Rica in 2003, Sofia has always had a natural inclination towards learning and exploring new horizons. Now a junior in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter), Sofia is living a dream she has nurtured since childhood.

From Costa Rica to China: a search for excellent connection

Sofia’s decision to study in China was influenced by her deep-rooted connection to Chinese culture. “Being half Chinese, I always felt some connection to Chinese culture and values passed down from my grandma,” she explains. However, her Chinese proficiency was not sufficient for college-level courses in Chinese, making JI the perfect solution. “JI provided a good solution for me: study in English, while I improve my Chinese by living in China,” she says.

The Joint Institute, a collaboration between two prestigious universities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and the University of Michigan (UM), offers an ideal blend of cultural immersion and top-notch education, particularly in the field of engineering. “When I saw JI, I felt like it was an institute that perfectly encapsulated what I was looking for in terms of college life,” Sofia recalls.

Sofia visits a garden in Suzhou with fellow students.

Sofia stands atop Cangshan Mountain in Dali with classmate.

A challenging and rewarding life in Shanghai


Sofia’s academic journey at JI has been both challenging and rewarding. “Courses are sometimes a bit challenging. You have to remember that you are studying amongst the best students in China,” she notes. Despite the rigorous coursework, Sofia finds joy in learning. One of her favorite classes was Electromagnetics with Professor Nana Liu, whose teaching approach emphasized understanding and genuine interest over grades. “It helped to remind me that, in the end, learning is what matters, not so much the grade on paper,” Sofia reflects.

Sofia and classmates take a photo with Professor Nana Liu in an Electromagnetics class.


Sofia’s typical semester is often packed with activities. She manages to balance her busy study schedule with leisure and relaxation. “A normal 5-course semester often means that I have to be on campus all day. I jump from the teaching buildings to JI and the libraries. Then, I might have dinner with friends at Yulanyuan (a dining place on campus), and return home around 10pm. This would be my schedule 2-3 times a week. But other days are entirely free,” she said.

Sofia attends a dragon boat training session on the SJTU campus.


Sofia enjoys studying at different locations on campus, such as the library beside the scenic Siyuan Lake and the JI Long Bin Building that brings her warm and comfortable feelings. “When I have free time I like to read, go to the gym, and mostly hangout with friends. In the weekends we love to go to the city center and explore Shanghai, there is always something new to see.”

Sofia visits the Bund at downtown Shanghai with fellow students.

Life in Shanghai has been an adventure for Sofia. She loves the city’s blend of modernity and rich history, and she often explores its many attractions with friends. “One of my favorite parts of living in China is the food. It’s so diverse and flavorful,” she shares. Sofia also enjoys traveling to other cities in China during long holidays, with Hangzhou and Suzhou being among her favorite destinations.


Beyond academics and exploration, Sofia is deeply involved in the international student community at JI. As the vice president of the International Student Association (ISA), she helps plan events and foster a supportive environment for international students. Her role is pivotal in helping students feel at home and integrated into the JI community. “We plan events for international students, help inform them about different opportunities and activities in JI, and promote a supportive community, ‘home away from home’,” she explains.

Sofia joins classmates in a Thanksgiving party organized by JI ISA.


Sofia’s future plans are ambitious. She intends to pursue a master’s degree in energy and computational systems, inspired and motivated by the enriching environment at JI. “JI provided me with such a beautiful, international environment. I was lucky to be surrounded by such inspiring people, who helped motivate me and continue to grow in my academic and professional journey, ” said Sofia.

Editor on Duty: Tao Qingxiao

Responsible Editor: Jiang Qianqian, Wang ninghua, Li Xinyu