A team consisting of five undergraduate students from the University of Michigan-Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute (UM-SJTU JI, JI hereafter) was awarded the third prize in the recently ended 2024 China-U.S. Young Maker Competition Shanghai Division for their project Elderly Care and Health Companion System. The five JI students who are all sophomores enrolled in 2022, including Hantian Shi, Yang Ruikai, Rui Wang, Wentao He, and Qianhui Zheng, joined the grand final of the Shanghai competition on July 12 after their project won the first prize in the internal selection competition of SJTU.

Construction of the virtual human image of the Elderly Care and Health Companion System

The system developed by the team is based on platforms like Unreal Engine and large language models, combined with sensor devices such as depth cameras. The project primarily features a 3D virtual human, voice dialogue based on large language models, and interactive somatosensory games. By leveraging forward-looking digital technology, it aims to improve home care conditions for the elderly, enhance societal well-being, foster sustainable communities, and create an innovative project with both social significance and industrial value.

JI team present their project during the final of the competition.

The China-U.S. Young Maker Competition themed “co-making the future” is sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China. The annual event launched in 2014 is held for the purpose of advocating young makers to start from the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, focus on the common challenges and opportunities of climate change and sustainable development, combine futuristic thinking and innovative design, and use scientific and creative ideas to generate green, inclusive and sustainable maker works. The annual competition has been held since 2014.A total of 176 teams and 679 students from 45 universities and vocational colleges across the country registered for the main and sub-tracks of the Shanghai division of the competition this year. Based on evaluation by nearly 200 young makers from over ten universities, 50 projects were selected to enter the final.
Source: SJTU JI

Editor on Duty: Yan Cheng

Responsible Editor: Jiang Qianqian, Li Xinyu