Recently, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the National Postdoctoral Management Committee announced the list of new postdoctoral research stations approved for 2023. The School of Design Shanghai Jiao Tong University was approved to establish a “Postdoctoral Design Research Station”.

Since its establishment, the School of Design has focused on integrating humanities, arts, science and technology, aiming to cultivate elite talent who combine theory and practice, have feelings for family and country, leadership skills, international vision, and truth-seeking spirit, and are committed to talent cultivation, research and social services. Remarkable achievements have been made in various areas in terms of practice and internationalization. In 2018, the first batch of authorizations for doctoral degrees in design were approved. In 2019, authorization for a new professional master's degree was approved and a new doctoral degree later in 2022. The establishment of this design postdoctoral research station will help promote the construction of high-level scientific research teams and produce iconic scientific research results. It will play an important role in cultivating high-level talent in the School.


The postdoctoral system is an important vehicle for the country to implement its strategy for strengthening its assembling of young talent, and the expansion of its channels for international cooperation. The School of Design will firmly anchor the construction goal of “world-class imbedded with Chinese characteristics” to further promote Shanghai Jiao Tong’s strategy of strengthening the school with talent cultivation focusing on major national strategic needs.

Editor on Duty: Yan Cheng

Responsible Editor: Jiang Qianqian