From May 29 through June 13 a lab directed by Professor Che Shengquan of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Design conducted joint research in Bulgaria with Bulgarian partners. The team, the Sino-Bulgarian Joint Lab on Climate Change Adaptative Governance for Rural Eco-systems (hereafter referred to as ‘the joint lab’) included Yang Fei, associate professor of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Gu Xiaokun, associate professor, director of the Research Center for Land Governance and Rural Development of the China Academy of Urban Governance, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xie Changkun, associate professor of the School of Design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Li Qiang and Qin Yifeng, postdoctoral fellows of the School of Design. The team visited the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia University, Sofia Institute of Agriculture and Economy, and Plovdiv University of Agriculture, and was invited to the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria to present a report to young diplomats. The team carried out a two-week joint research investigation and laboratory investigation at the Bulgaria Overseas joint research base

  On May 30, the research team organized a Sino-Bulgaria Climate Change and Rural Revitalization Symposium as well as the 2023 Annual Forum of the Sino-Bulgarian Joint Lab on Climate Change Adaptative Governance for Rural Eco-system, resulting in fruitful exchange. Training on governance techniques for rural climate adaptation were held as well.

Technical training and Q&A

On June 1, the research team visited Plovdiv Agricultural University, where the joint laboratory research team was joined by Professor Hristina Yancheva, President of Plovdiv Agricultural University, and Professor Svetla Yancheva, Vice-Chancellor as well as other relevant stakeholders. Research progress and follow-up plans for the joint laboratory were discussed. 

Seminar at Plovdiv Agricultural University

Visiting the Plovdiv Agricultural University Practice Site

On June 2, Professor Che Shengquan was invited to the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria to give a lecture on rural development and the impact of climate change in Bulgaria—attended by over 20 young diplomats. Professor Che introduced the historical and current situation of Bulgarian rural development, relevant policies and actions concerning climate change governance, and discussed the impact of climate change on Bulgarian rural development and Bulgarian rural revitalization. 

Professor Che Shengquan informs diplomats  at the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria about key questions concerning climate change in the country’s countryside

In addition, Che Shengquan, Yang Fei and Gu Xiaokun visited the Climate, Atmosphere and Water Research Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the University of Sofia with Guo Dacheng and Ning Yongpeng, the scientific and technical heads of the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria. The above Institutes expressed a desire to strengthen cooperation in the field of climate change with Chinese research institutions.

A talk convened at the Institute of Climate, Atmospheric and Water Environment

Discussion at the Institute of Geophysics, Mapping, and Geography

Visit to Sofia University

      During the visit, the joint research team conducted a two-week program in 24 townships in the Plovdiv, Burgas, Pazardyk, Stara Zagora and Varna regions of Bulgaria.

Local residents were interviewed to understand the impact of climate change on local production and life. The research team also utilized drones to conduct aerial mapping of research sites to obtain information such as NDVI, NDRE, and water data at specified research points.  

Using drones to acquire remote sensing data

In addition, the joint laboratory utilized the Erato Sik-Ivanov Stancheva & Co farm as a field research site where an unveiling ceremony was heldThe farm's general manager, Yako Canchzev, served as the Joint Lab liaison, assisting with site mapping, data collection, and received a manual of rural climate adaptation governance methods, data, and technical resources developed by the Joint Lab. The joint research team also conducted research and training on the cultivation, processing, marketing and management of roses, lavender and grain crops in the farm。

The research team conducting research at the Erato Sik-Ivanov Stancheva & Co. farmEstablishing a research base and issuing a technical training handbook

The Joint Laboratory established five research sites in Bulgaria: Erato Sik-Ivanov Stancheva & Co. (farming company) AMV AGRO (grape vine growers), Opora Zaden (seed companies), Spherica Biodynamic Farm (biodynamic farm), Brestovitsa Winery. From June 1 to 4, the joint research team conducted research at the remaining four research sites, which focused on planting, production, R&D, management and sales. Liaison officers at the research sites were identified and trained on village climate adaptive management techniques.


Technical training handbooks issued at research sites

    During the research investigation, they also visited the Royal Botanical Garden of Krichim, Valley Yustina Winery, Kateko Rose Oil Factory, Trakietz Horse Farm, Salt Pans Sea Salt works, Poda National Nature Reserve and other institutions. At each location the team visited, business owners discussed the impact of climate change on the environment and related industries in recent years. In response, the research team shared knowledge and technological know-how regarding climate adaptation management with enterprise leaders and technical personnel.

Research at Valley Yustina Winery


Research in the Poda National Nature Reserve

Interviews with local fruit and vegetable vendors in Ustina village

Interviews with local residents in Peshchera Village

    Through in-depth investigation, the research team found that climate change in the study area has had a significant impact in recent years, resulting in an increase in average annual temperature. This has had significant impact on the growth and cultivation and market prices of grapes and roses, crop rotation cycles, and tourism, thus affecting the income of related industries.

    This initial joint initiative already resulted in the accrual of a  large amount of first-hand data, and a strengthened ability for collaboration between young scholars from both China and Bulgaria, laying a solid foundation for further research.

   This joint research investigation is part of the Belt and Road Initiative International Joint Laboratory Project of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission: China-Bulgaria International Joint Laboratory for Climate Change Adaptation Management in Rural Ecosystems. The joint research is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Bulgarian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Plovdiv Agricultural University, Sofia Institute of Agricultural Economics, the Shanghai Municipal Science Commission, Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Consulate General in Shanghai, the Institute of Geographical Sciences and Resources of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, the Bulgarian Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Sofia, and more. The research team will build a climate resilience database for rural ecosystems on the basis of in-depth research in rural Bulgaria, predict future trends and risks for rural areas in different time periods under various greenhouse gas emission scenarios, assess the vulnerability of rural habitat ecosystems, complex agroforestry ecosystems, and rural economic systems, and formulate climate resilient rural ecosystem planning countermeasures. We will propose a climate resilient rural governance system that includes technical, management, policy, legal and regulatory aspects. The aim is to promote cooperation and exchange between China and Bulgaria and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe along the Belt and Road in regard to climate change and ecosystem governance, and to provide theoretical, technical and human resource support for the protection and construction of climate-resilient rural ecosystems.


Editor on Duty: Diwei Chen  

Responsible Editor: Qianqian Jiang, Yuhe Fu