Recently the China Power Supply Society (CPSS) announced the 5 conferees of the honorary title "2021 Excellent Scientist in Power Supply". Prof. Zhu Miao from SJTU School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering is included.
Prof. Zhu joined SJTU in 2012. He has been expanding the application scenario of energy Internet, contributing to theoretical research, undertaking national key projects, and scoring a set of achievements in the basic theory of complex DC power system and power conversion. He was the first in the world to improve the characteristics of Z-source topology and blaze new direction for the research on power conversion. He also pioneered in systematic research on advanced DC power flow controller and power substation DC system, and elucidating the topology and operation control mechanism behind, thereby leading to a great advance in both theoretical foundation and technological achievements of complex DC system. In 2018, Prof. Zhu was appointed chief scientist of special project "Smart Grid Technology and Equipment", part of the 13th Five-Year National Key Research and Development Program of China. In 2020, he initiated the 7th International Group of IEC SC8A for establishing an IEC international standard of distributed photovoltaic access DC system. In 2020, he was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Youth Award of CPSS".
Source: School of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, SJTU
Translated by Zhang Wenying
Proofread by Xiao Yangning