April 6,2023 - April 14,2023

In 2021, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) launched the “Jiao◦Tong Global Virtual Classroom” (Jiao◦Tong GVC) Initiative, which opens up international education opportunities for students abroad by providing an immersive virtual student exchange experience at SJTU through advanced digital technologies and platforms and creating encounters with new ideas, cultures, and students from all over the world.

Since 2021, SJTU has offered more than 40 quality “Shared Courses” delivered in English to the Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) and nearly 30 overseas universities in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia, Australia, Japan and other countries. More than 600 overseas students from universities such as Osaka University, Nanyang Technological University, University of Warwick, University College London, INSA Lyon, University of Munich, Technical University of Munich, RWTH Aachen University, University of Tokyo, Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University are taking SJTU courses as virtual exchange students. Meanwhile, as for “Co-built Courses”, more than 200 international students from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Southern California and University of California, Davis are studying together with SJTU students in Jiao◦Tong GVC classrooms.

Now, we are calling for a new round of Fall 2023 courses.

1. Application Requirements

a) Selection of Courses

i. Academic courses in all disciplines delivered in English

ii. Courses already offered at SJTU

iii. Either Undergraduate or Postgraduate level

b) Quota

i. “Shared Courses”: ~25

ii. “Co-built Courses”: ~3


i. “Shared Courses”: SJTU classroom open virtually for overseas students;

   “Co-built Courses”: Faculty collaborating with overseas peers and open for both domestic & overseas students

ii. The selected “Co-built courses” can be delivered either in Spring or Fall 2023.

iii. The selected “Shared Courses” (Undergrad. Level) will be recommended to APRU Virtual Student Exchange (VSE) Fall 2023.

2. Simple Steps to Apply

a) For Teaching Teams: Please download the Application Form (Appendix 3) and submit the application to the International Office or Academic Affairs Office of your School.

b) For Schools: Please download the Summary Sheet (Appendix 2) and submit Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 to the Program Coordinator.

3. Timeline

a) Application Deadline: Friday, 14 April, 2023 at 17:00 (GMT+8)

b) Course Proposal Defense: mid-to-late April, 2023

4. Funding Budget

For the selected courses, the International Affairs Division will offer funding for each teaching team in stages.

a) “Shared Courses”

i. 10,000 RMB funding when the course is selected;

ii. 40,000~90,000 RMB funding after the program is completed (according to the final evaluation on the effectiveness of teaching, etc.)

b) “Co-built Courses”:

i. 20,000 RMB funding when the course is selected;

ii. 40,000~80,000 RMB funding after the program is completed (according to the final evaluation on the effectiveness of teaching, etc.)

*Courses that have already received funding for 2021&2022 do not need to apply again. For more details about the Jiao◦Tong GVC program, please refer to Appendix 1.


Program Coordinator:

Lina TAO
Office of Global Partners & Relations
International Affairs Division
Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU)


Appendix 1:Appendix 1:“Jiao◦Tong Global Virtual Classroom” Initiative.pdf

Appendix 2:Appendix 2:Summary Sheet.docx

Appendix 3:Appendix 3:Application–“Jiao◦Tong Global Virtual Classroom”–Fall 2023.xlsx

International Affairs Division

Shanghai Jiao Tong University